Tuesday, May 12, 2009

The Work Spouse

I was a senior in college when I first heard Regis and Kelly discussing the idea of the "work spouse". Essentially you have your real life spouse/partner/boyfriend/girlfriend, but at work you end up working so closely with someone that he or she becomes like a spouse at your work ... hence the Work Spouse.

(Yes, I watched Regis & Kelly - AND Regis & Kathy Lee. In fact, I set my VCR to record it every day, along with an hour of Dark Shadows on Sci-Fi). Anyway ....

I didn't have my first work spouse until 2002 when I was working in Disney World. Work Spouse number one, and the longest work spouse I've had so far, was Brian. Brian, of course, turned into my male BFF. We still try to talk to each other 5 days a week, 7 years after become work spouses!

My second work spouse probably doesn't even remember he was my work spouse - not because I'm not the most fantastic work spouse, but because he just forgets things. That was when I worked at the District Attorney's office. He was a fun, silly work spouse. That was short lived though, as I felt it imperative that I get the hell out of that place!

So now, on this 12th day of May, in the year 2009, I have a new work spouse! He's Peter - our adorable IT guy. I've considered him to be my best male friend in Roseburg for years now. He's so cool and funny. Nice, yet I suspect there is a secretly wild, dirty side to him .... probably why he will fit well as my newest work spouse! I'm very excited! I'm hoping for random presents and flowers for no reason now. Or at least a computer that is always functioning properly.


  1. I've only read the first paragraph. Little late joining the Ronda show. Are you talking about my Jason? The Jason that adores Mommy? He does have good taste. Should we not trust his judgment on Adam Ant's performance? I'm voting for Chris and ADam, by the way.

  2. You posted on the wrong blog!
    Jason IS the anti-Adam person.
    Oklahoma must be frying his brain.


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