Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Book of Questions #1

I've been wanting to write, but just haven't had anything all that inspiring to write about. So I thought it could be fun to just pick some questions out of that infamous "Book of Questions" and use that as writing material. Who knows, this could end up a good brain exercise with me trying to actually come up with an answer!  I've decided to just start with the very first question in the book. Feel free to leave your own answers in the comment section!

For a person you loved deeply, would you be willing to move to a distant country knowing there would be little chance of seeing your friends or family again?

Perhaps I've become a little jaded in my 31 years of life, but this question isn't as hard to answer for me as it may be for others. So here's my decision, based on life experience. No. No I wouldn't. Love comes and goes. Family is forever. Stability is important to me. Family is important to me. Right now I am pretty darn stable, for being such a slacker! I can't imagine giving up a secure life with my family and friends nearby, to move somewhere that I would have to start out fresh. According to this question, there is apparently someone I "love deeply" in this distant country. At this point in my life am I willing to throw away my close network of people that support me and are there for me through thick and thin, just to go be with a guy that will most likely break my heart in a short time? No way.

Boyfriends come and go, friends come and go, getting along with family comes and goes. But with the friends and family, they are always there when the boyfriends turn out to be Mr. Wrong. I have the most loyal friends - some newer, some lifelong. I have a very caring family. These are things I value.   Clearly if we look at my track record, I haven't had the greatest run of boyfriends that actually like me. (Wait, I don't really do the boyfriend thing often anyway, so my stats are skewed). So can I give up my current life for someone that won't treat me right, that lives in a different country? No. Not at all. Mr. Right will come along, and when its right I won't have to give up things that I find most important.

Wow - jaded much, R****??

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