Tuesday, March 2, 2010

I'm Not Happy With You, Mr. Hefner

I feel like Hef is cheating on his girls. Holly, Bridget and Kendra - those are his girls (in my mind). He is 83, according to Wikipedia, and now dating three 20 year old girls ... two of which are twins and look VERY orange.

I don't know why, but this just bothers me. I refuse to watch the "new" Girls Next Door show because those girls are NOT the Girls Next Door to me. I want to see Holly and her "deer in the headlights" eyes, hear Kendra's bizarre stoner laugh, and take in all the fabulousness of adorable Bridget.  

I do not like the imposter girlfriends.  

I just saw a photo of Kendra with her husband and new baby ... with Hugh Hefner and a 20 year old tart. Why is that tart in KENDRA's photo????

I just don't like it one bit, Old Man!  I feel like you are cheating on my girls!

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