Tuesday, April 6, 2010


  • Ted Danson really grosses me out. I don't know why. It could be the odd shape of his head. Or his strange hair and how we learned he was balding in the back center spot but hiding it. I don't know. I just have an aversion to him.
  • 80% of the time I go through this particular intersection on my way to work after lunch, I almost die. That might be a slight exaggeration. Basically I have learned that nobody feels the value in coming to a complete stop or yielding the right of way. Even as a pedestrian it is terrifying some times. My co-worker was almost hit - her hand actually hit the truck as it was coming for her.
  • I think we, as a society, are just in too much of a hurry. We aren't valuing things that we should. Instead it is just rush, rush, rush .... and in the end more and more car accidents and me almost dying.
  • I hate it when people with zero fashion sense talk to me about my clothes. A compliment from them feels like an insult to me. 
  • I tried to buy shoes last night. I think maybe my next career should be in designing shoes that aren't fugly. Just because it walks down the runway does NOT mean it is attractive or flattering to the human form. Next time you try on shoes, don't just look at your feet. Take a step back and see how your whole body looks. If you end up looking like a stumpy legged person, those shoes are not for you!
  • There are times I would like to hold little fashion seminars for women. I'm not saying I am the future editor of Vogue magazine by any means, but I am of the firm opinion that females are trying too hard to dress like celebrities and models, and not really looking in the mirror.  Your muffin top sticking out over your skinny jeans, paired with your bulky barely tied shoes? .... you look ridiculous. Your shape doesn't look flattering. You are making yourself look worse. Flattering clothes are a must. Sometimes they are more difficult to find, but when you do find them I suspect you would look AND feel better!
  • I will never own a hatchback car. 
  • I roll my eyes when people say "giterdone".  I don't even know how to properly spell that. Is it 2 words? Is it 3?
  • I like to tally mark things. If I see a trend, the former psych student in me feels a need to monitor it and look for patterns and reasons.  Once a co-worker would come out to my desk area multiple times a day and talk about the weather, my wet hair, what was I going to have for lunch, yada yada yada. Stupid small talk that didn't matter.  On a record day we counted him coming through our office THIRTY times!  I used to do this in college, too. More specifically in my economics class. Did you know it could take a sorority girl 10 bites on a Triscuit before it was completely off of her desk? That's not 10 chomps. That is 10 individual nibbles on one little cracker.
  • That reminds me of ice chomping. I wouldn't do it around me. Please. Spare yourself. Just don't do it.
  • People shouldn't be famous just for reproduction. Why is that horrible Kate woman on tv all the time? So what she popped out too many children. That doesn't make her talented or special. Irresponsible maybe? I guess that is just an entirely different blog in itself!
  • I get a total kick out of watching that Kirsti Alley show on A&E. The Big Life? Is that the name? She is nutso! But in a good way. I mean she seems like a genuinely nice person. And how fun is it that she has a mini-door in her house and all those animals? I feel bad for her - hopefully she has success with her latest weight-loss plans. Its obvious how much her appearance bothers her. But then she's a woman, and don't we all have issues with our bodies in some way?
  • My phone phobia is horrible. I have The. Hardest. Time. answering a phone. And maybe even a harder time dialing someone. Except my mom. And Brian. I can call those two with no problem at all - much to their chagrin I imagine!  I am slowly getting better though, thanks to my job. But still, I pretty much hate the phone.
  • I am awesome at texting! I'm super fast. I can almost do it in my sleep!
  • Totes!
  • I am NOT a jogger - I AM a runner!! And damn proud of it!!
  • I think my co-worker is a robot. 
  • Grilled cheese sandwiches NEVER get old!!
  • Just because I worked in Disney World forever doesn't mean I want my life to be all Mikey and cartoons all the time. Don't ask if I have seen the latest movie - I haven't. Please don't give me any Mickey Mouse gifts - I have enough. Once I got him tattooed on me, well that was really enough, right?
  • One of my BFFs - the Yang to my Yin - we have matching tattoos! His is filled in, mine is an outline. That is so very yin/yang of us! No, we didn't do this on purpose. They were put on years ago way before we ever met. We are so MFEO*!    ............*made for each other.
  • Some of my favorite men wear dresses. Some of my favorite women wear pants.
  • Confession: I bought one Lady Gaga song for my iPod. I couldn't help it. It seemed like it would be good to run to. It is. Please don't hold this against me. I promise I won't make a habit of it.
  • At 31 years old I have realized that I am probably going to be the token single girl for the rest of my life. And unlike a lot of people, I'm okay with that. I actually enjoy living alone, and have all the freedom in the world. Actually, right now, I feel like I am the happiest I have ever been. I have a challenging and fun hobby, I get to travel often, I have awesome friends, I have the cutest dog and cat anybody could ever want. (Don't even think to yourself that yours is cuter, because its just not possible!) Just a short drive gets me to the coast or to the snow... or to the Enchanted Forest! Things are going great! I'm as happy as a clam!  This leads me to wonder -- how do we know clams are happy anyway? Would you be happy if you were living in the mud and them somebody shoved a finger toward you and started digging - then throws you carelessly into a bucket, takes you home and eats you?? I wouldn't be happy! But until we get to the bottom of that, we'll settle with me being happy as a clam!
  • The only thing left to do .... get my sperm donor straightened out!
  • One more thing left to do ... meet Anthony Hopkins!

1 comment:

  1. What fun to read "your nonsense". I liked being single too - but it was short lived. I met Toby and well...when you find a good thing, jump on it. I'm glad you like running and I'm with you on the Ted Danson thing.


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