Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Sunproof Satin Latex

"Sunproof Satin Latex" -- that is the latest description I have just typed at work. Harmless compared to past entries like the one that made me giggle or the first one to really shock me. But the image it put into my head was equally .... disturbing? hysterical? sweaty?

Every single time I type "latex" on a check I am reminded of my visits to the Cellblock, aka the Padlock, in Phoenix, Arizona.  I've been there twice - once when I was in the process of turning 29, and then again a couple of months later. On the latter visit I was the only female in the entire bar. Oh, did I neglect to mention that not only is it a gay bar, but it is a leather bar? Oh it is a total delight!

Men in:  leather, chaps, chains, masks, hats, vests, no shirts, bar asses, leashes, wrist straps, nipple clamps, etc.... Hence why "latex" triggers these memories of more "alternative" establishments.  The fun I had at the Cellblock. I spent quite some time "alone" (Mike was trying to find me a souvenir shirt, Clark was off checking out the "scenery") in the gift shop with tons of men learning about colors and sides. Like if you wear a yellow bandana on the left or right side that means you either like to pee on people or be peed on. Yep! True story. Can't make this up. The men were all too happy to educate me on this sort of stuff, and I was just like a sponge - soaking it all in and loving every minute of it!

Anyway -- that's all. Now back to the latex.

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