Thursday, October 7, 2010

Do You Ever......

do something like .....

go to the restroom at work, wash your hands, and then suddenly feel naked?

After doing a little personal inventory you realize that the reason you feel naked is because you aren't wearing your Road ID or your Garmin.....

.....Or is it just me?


  1. Freakin' hilarious. You've gone off the deep end... bwahahahahahahaha... see ya there (in the deep end).

  2. Whoa - that might just be you! ;)
    Ok, maybe me if I'm running and I forget my Garmin...

  3. I always check to see if my pants are on and I've taken all my meds when that happens.

  4. I will pass on the congrats! If you even need someone to blow a door off of a building for you, he's your man!

    PS--Left you a treat on my bliggity blog

  5. I get that all the time, but it usually means my fly is down.

  6. HAHAHA That is hilarious! I can't say I have ever felt like that per say but I don't have a garmin or road id... yet. I have felt naked when I forget to wear my heart rate monitor strap, so I get where you're coming from.

  7. Hi, just surfing around and found your blog. As for your question, I wear scrubs at work and often worry they might become untied and fall down.

  8. Ha! Funny what we get used to.
    Have a good weekend.


Thanks for reading my little blog, your comments rock my compression socks!! ºoº