Monday, October 25, 2010

The Touch, The Feel of Cotton

.... the fabric of our lives.

Why do they have commercials for cotton? We all know that song. But why? I mean I don't really get who they are advertising to. Am I supposed to choose only cotton clothes? Am I supposed to be a fashion designer and pick out the cotton fabrics when I go to Mood with Tim Gunn? (I NEVER hear the word "cotton" on Project Runway.)

Honestly - does anybody know? It seems like such a silly thing to waste money on a commercial for something like cotton.

Here's one of MANY versions of the horrible cotton song. This is much better than the Aaron Neville commercials for sure!


  1. if you can find a link on youtube, send it out.

    We don't have those in Canada (probably since we don't grow cotton here).

    P.S. it's awesome that you did the makeup thing for your last race! Attention to detail separates the great runners from the wannabes!

  2. Okay Andrew - I just added a video! There are so many versions, but it is always the same 'the touch, the feel of cotton, the fabric of our lives' - and always something sappy or faux inspiring going on. They are corny!

    And I honestly don't understand why cotton needs a commercial!

  3. Great, now this stupid tune will be stuck in my head the rest of tonight. Thanks a lot RR!!!

  4. That's it's stuck in my head too...never ever thought of that before. :)

  5. Ok, this song is going to haunt my dreams tonight. Thanks dude! LOL


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