Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Run #4 - In the Dark?

Yesterday when I mentioned to a co-worker that I'd be getting up early to run this morning (because my Mommy is taking me to dinner at the Country Club and then I HAVE to watch Glee!), his response was, "In the dark?"  Well ... yes.  It is dark before work. It is dark after work. It is a damn good thing I feel very comfortable in the dark 'cause I don't think I'd have much success training if I only ran on the weekends! I thought maybe the sun would come up while I was running this morning, but sadly it did not. Oh well. Soon enough, I'll be patient!

I wanted to come here and tell you all how this was the best run and that I am back in perfect form. But after lying about shopping, I didn't want to lie again.  It sucked. It wasn't as super painful as that one last week, but it was not comfortable. I slept in my leg sleeves hoping that maybe that would help. I think it did a little, but it wasn't the overnight wonder cure that I would dream about. So three miles turned into 2. I thought two miles of limping was probably enough, especially since I am racing on Saturday. I figure I should save something for then. Now who is the totally hot girl wearing compression leg sleeves at work?? Yeah - that would be me! I normally wear knee high socks anyway, so today isn't much of a change for me. My legs are actually really enjoying this extra time with the sleeves .... or maybe that is my unending optimism speaking!

Now this hasn't been the fabulous start of training for my first half marathon (I will never get tired of saying that!!), but I am not discouraged at all. I do better with a goal and a calendar of scheduled runs telling me how much to do and when. Even when I'm in pain I am happy!  The reward is going to be so huge!! I went from not being able to run a lap around our smaller than average grade school track down the street to being someone that WILL complete a half-marathon. I can only imagine what it is going to feel like. The adrenaline of the start area, running through the Castle, that moment when I want to puke ('cause I know I will want to!), seeing Spaceship Earth again as we round out that final full mile, the last stretch where I go into my final kick* .... it is going to be so awesome!   *Will I still have my final kick? It is actually something I work so hard on - and I do it in every training run. I love digging deep to find the energy to go flying through the finish!

Basically - I am only on my 2nd week, but I am having a blast! I know my running is like a roller coaster, and I'm just kind of on the downhill part right now. It will get better!


  1. I am ecstatic for you running and feeling super high about the upcoming half!

    But crazy bummed about you being injured - heal up and rest for your race this weekend!

    And maybe this will help you run in the dark - I know I'm getting one!


  2. You will definitely have energy for your infamous kick! :) It's crazy what seeing that finish line can do for your morale and adrenaline. :)

  3. @Brooke - that headlamp is AEWSOME!

    @DisneyGirl - good to know! I would hate to just be slugging it across the finish line. But I also have to not kick too hard and forget to look cute for photos when I cross! ;)

  4. I love your enthusiasm!! Every time I run, I finish and I'm just AMAZED that I did it... And I love that you have that same voice :D.

  5. sweet sleeves! I use my kids' baby legs...they are awesome. I used them before I knew they had runner sleeves and I will just stick with them since I love them so much. I have rainbow ones and several striped ones...even a dinosaur pair of sleeves or baby legs. :)

  6. I used to run a lot, but I haven't in a few years. I'm new to blogging - it seems like everywhere I look there's another blog about running. Does blogger sponsor runners or something? Maybe He is trying to tell me something ...lol

  7. Well, Kari - we runners are awesome! You should become one! ;)

    I actually blogged for over a year before starting to run. Once I started running, people started reading!

  8. You crack me up! Thanks for a warm comment!

    And I know what you mean about barely being able to run once around a track and then finishing a long distance race! I remember those first steps! And I remember the marathons... You are on an awesome adventure!


Thanks for reading my little blog, your comments rock my compression socks!! ºoº