Sunday, July 17, 2011

Scenes From A Cottage - Take 1

RR=Fruit Fly
BB=Biker Boy
Cottage=Fruit Fly's house

RR:  BB?? <as whiny sounding as possible> Did that sound whiny enough?
BB:  Yeah? What?
RR:  Next weekend after packet pick-up can we go to the mall? Like maybe Lloyd Center or something since it is close? And then can we go to Old Navy or some place for me to try to find something to wear in Disneyland? I don't want to go be there in my typical short skirts and then be like "Hello Boys!" <while doing a dramatically huge, slow-motion open leg lift arch ---fully decent, I assure you> while getting into the rides.


BB:  Um, okay. I figured you'd just be wearing running skirts the whole time.

Am I that predictable?

**And if you think the cast members don't sadistically enjoy watching girls try to get in and out of attractions in short skirts, you are so wrong! Trust me -- I have 2 years of experience laughing to myself every time it happened!**

1 comment:

  1. Haha! I love that you were so predictable. Nothing wrong with running skirts!


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