Sunday, November 20, 2011

Run #9.6 - Take That!!

You probably enjoyed the lack of posts about my little runs - you're welcome - but now I'm back! The lack of posting was because I couldn't even walk or drive a car due to Meniere's Disease being a bitch to me a-freaking-gain... so running in the dark and rain when I'm not even alert, well bad idea, right?!?  It was a whole week between runs. I was soooo cranky about it and feel major stress.  This morning I wasn't any better, but I said Screw You, Mr. Meniere (the French physician that named it) ... I am going to be a runner whether you want me to or not!

Initially I was going to test out some shirts for WDW, but then I realized Hello?!? Vegas is in TWO weeks - perhaps testing that new shirt is more important at this juncture. So in full race attire (minus a bib, but that would have been fun!) I powered on my Garmin, sipped on a cup of water and went out the door. The good motivation was that I was supposed to be meeting my mom to help her shop for Thanksgiving dinner supplies. Perfect ... no slacking to be done. I had a date!

The weather was chilly - not even 40º - and this is perfect for me! I stepped out the door with a fresh playlist and hit the start button. I'm going to leave out any running details and just say this ... I. Am. AWESOME!  I kept to the 4:1 ratio and only paused at the water stop (in the cold weather I ditch running with the hand held. I love hands free, water free running so much  more.) and a couple times because it was either stop and grab a pole, or continue and fall on my face.  The funny thing to me was that while running I was feeling great. Once I hit the walking segments my first steps always sent me off to the right .... I drift right during my dizzy spells. You might say I should have just kept running - yeah, I'm finding I'm really doing much better with the 4:1 ratio and so I want to keep that up.

Again my 10K time for this run was faster than any of my 10K race times. I did eight miles today in less than 1:30. I couldn't believe it!! It really was the single best long run (non-racing) of my entire life! Take that, stupid Meniere's Disease!! Perfect weather, friendly people on the paths, a cute 4 pound dog named Molly chasing me, kajillions of birds, great music and a man that either wanted to talk to me about Heaven or was threatening to kill me.

I was just over 5 miles in and this man says hello to me from a little too far away. When I got to him I said Hello back. He says "are you in a hurry?" No shit, really? I'm running - you think I'm going to talk? "Yep!" I happily replied. "How much time do you have left?" "3 miles!" holding up 3 fingers. "Ah, are you ready to go?" he says while pointing to the sky.  Wait ... are you asking if I am ready to die and go to heaven? WTF? No! No, I'm not. I have a lot left on my bucket list that I will cross off. And I have this Vegas trip. I still need to message Mr. Body. I have things to get done! So that is one option of his question .... or he is threatening to kill me and asking if I'm ready to die. Considering he was rather old, I'm going with option one - but you never know.  
With my mommy, heading to the final home game of the season ... finally.

*To go with this, a man at the football game yesterday had his right arm in a sling and was trying to get his jacket over his shoulder. I wanted to help, but all I could think was how Ted Bundy used to fake broken arms to get help from unsuspecting women. So I couldn't help him. **He didn't ask for help, I just wanted to. And I lost my ticket in the bathroom. I ran back and my mom saw it on the floor. Phew! So she went into go potty one last time ... and lost her two tickets!  All tickets were found. We got into the game. I got to watch the Beavers actually win a game (WHAT???). AND I spent the entire game checking out the asses of the team. Consistent as always, I still don't check out the white boys on the team. I love me some dark skin and a solid backside! Here's a photo (see left) of my friend and I at half time. We've been friends for 13+ years, had tons of classes together, formed an IM bowling team (Stolen Shoes) AND in-class bowling team (Blue Balls) together, took swing dance class and had many drunken fun nights of debauchery together. I love facebook for reuniting with my pals from back in the day!


  1. Glad you felt well enough to kick Mr. Meniere's butt in a fantastic run, well done :-)

  2. lol... you always make me laugh!! GREAT RUN CHICKA!! :) You kicked ole' Meniere's right in the butt! ;)

  3. I love that you're all run run grab a pole to not fall, run run run.

  4. Woohoo!! Go you!! Glad you had such a good run.


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