Friday, December 16, 2011

As Per Usual ... Thirsty Thursday Edition

As per usual I went to the Blackbird for Thirsty Thursday.
As per usual I pretended I was in college again by using the phrase "Thirsty Thursday."
As per usual I bellied up to the bar and gazed happily at my BFF bartender, Joe.
NOT as per usual I had a vodka and cranberry, as suggested by Kim ... vanilla vodka!
As per usual I had my normal rum & Coke.
As per usual I had my typical Fruit Fly with her gays conversations.
As per usual I conversed and flirted with another "regular".
As per usual he is still VERY unavailable - but straight!! - shocking!
As per usual I wanted tots.
As per usual they still don't have tots.
NOT as per usual I did have an appetizer -- yummy sourdough bread and butter. So good!!
As per usual my mom was ready to leave before I was.
NOT as per usual, our third Rae girl wasn't with us tonight.
As per usual I talked about running too much (as I wore running capris to work today).
As per usual I came home and wanted food.
As per usual I had a funky dinner of part of a quesadilla from lunch and Lucky Charms. Dammit.
As per usual I wanted a dance party on Thirsty Thursday.
As per usual I was still obsessed with Michael Jackson on the way home.
NOT as per usual I turned on my Wii and had my own private MJ dance party in my little cottage.
As per usual my pets looked at me like I was insane.
As per usual my dog got hyper and wanted to dance with me.
As per usual I kicked ass, and even set a new high score for Thriller!
NOT as per usual I am working on Christmas cards. I hope they make sense. It IS Thirsty Thursday.
As per usual I want to go to bed early, and probably will.
As per usual I have swim class at 6am in the morning.
NOT as per usual my left upper arm is killing me from my tetanus shot. It hurts.
As per usual I will end this with a random photo that isn't too random this time. I just really love him.


  1. I love Thirsty Thursday and I will probably call Thursday that for all of my days! :)

  2. I'm going to make it Thirsty Saturday and Thirsty Sunday this weekend! :)


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