Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Post Marathon Hello!

I did it! I finished! It was not pretty! Strike that, it was pretty until mile 18 when I physically could not run without crying. I'm not even sure what happen but both legs buckled and every step was a shooting pain up through my legs. MF even said he'd carry me if he had to once I finally broke down in tears of pain on the last downhill in toward the finish.

But dammit, I did it! I AM a marathoner!!

I have a race report from Disney ready to go, then another needs to be written. I'm still pondering Portland and what I will write. I'm so glad I declared this a one time deal! Still looking forward to Goofy though, have no fear!!


  1. Congrats on becoming a marathoner!

    2nd OMG what happened are you OK now?

  3. Congratulations!!! Although, you have me seriously scared for the NYCM. Yikes! My knees are in really bad shape. Makes me wonder how they'll hold up for Goofy. :/

    I'm saying the same thing: After Goofy...I'm done.

  4. Wow!!! You are a marathoner!! Congrats!! Hip, hip, hooray!

  5. Congratualtions!! That is something to be proud of.


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