Wednesday, September 6, 2017

WDWCP: 911, What Is Your Emergency?

Judging by the blog title you are probably wondering what on earth happened! Did we really call 911? Was there an emergency? Is this just a catchy title for a blog post and really it's nothing?  Keep reading and find out!

Ready to go to Pleasure Island!
Ronda, Marcy, Danielle
It was a Thursday night. We had finished off yet another weekly visit to Pleasure Island, no doubt loving the cover band at the Rock'n'Roll Beach Club. I had an early work morning and it was already after midnight, so I needed sleep. Sarah and Danielle had the room next to Marcy and I. All of us were trying, and failing, to sleep. Why? The phone. That damn phone. It wouldn't stop ringing. It got to the point that we were about to snap. As I recall, the four of us all emerged from our rooms, completely frustrated, at the same time.

What the heck is going on? Why is Zaira on the phone all night when it is so damn late??!!

And then it got weird.

Unbeknownst to the 4 of us, Zaira had been getting strange, and sometimes obscene phone calls every time she was home alone in the apartment. She didn't know who they were from. Certainly not any of our friends calling to see what's up and hang out. I can't remember how it was determined, it was pure chaos, but we started to figure out where the calls were coming from. . . The apartment across the parking lot.

Somehow we found out the caller's name. It was a male. Obviously another CP since he lived across from us, or so we thought. Zaira said he had a distinct accent. Okay, that's just funny on its own because her Puerto Rican accent was so strong, we couldn't even figure out how to pronounce her name for the longest time! 

Once we decided where he lived, we were on our own mission to get to the bottom of this. I think perhaps she overheard background noise, and sure enough there was a party happening at that apartment by the basketball court. Our whole apartment was up, with our honorary roommies as well. And we were busy observing outside, looking for clues. 

We saw a guy exit the apartment in question and start walking on his own, toward our apartment. For some reason some of us decided we were heading out to do our own recon mission. Perhaps we shouldn't have, but at the time it seemed logical. Now mind you we are ALL in our pajamas, so just imagine that sight if anyone was watching us watch him! We were tip toeing around the buildings, without any certain plan. I remember at one point I went rogue and parted from the group to get better sights on the suspect. He took a turn and went right next to my bedroom window, which is when we hurried back into our apartment.

Our group was together again, having serious discussions about what to do. We just KNEW he was our perp and we wanted him stopped. One more final look outside perhaps? Well, holy cow did we have a reaction. As we went to peak through the blinds we did not expect what we saw. There he was! Standing right outside our window looking at us!!

We screamed, jumped back and I had the duty of calling 9-1-1! Maybe we should have called some sort of Vista Way or Disney phone number? I don't know. We knew we had an obscene calling staring in our apartment in the middle of the night, so 9-1-1 seemed like the best choice. It took no time at all and we had not 1, not 2, but THREE Sheriff deputies in our apartment! Zaira told them about the phone calls she had been getting for days and that he had a strong accent and that we thought his name was Rob. ? Right? I don't know that for sure, but I'm pretty sure at least. 

Finally in bed.... again!
Two deputies went across the parking lot to confront this mystery guy. And what happened? Before they could even talk to him he took off running! It was a Vista Way foot chase!! I can't even make this stuff up, you guys! Eventually he was apprehended and questioned. Obviously there wasn't any way to do anything official, but he certain got scared enough that we never did get another phone call like that. And they did confirm that he had a strong accent - upper East Coast - and his name was in fact Rob, or whatever it was we had suspected. Maybe we weren't such bad detectives after all! 

The female deputy stayed back with us for a while and left us with a brochure about what to do in these types of situations, which I still have in my scrapbook! By the time this was all done it was around 4 o'clock in the morning. I ended up calling Pecos Bill Cafe around 5 am to ask if I could come in a little later than scheduled. I explained we had to call 9-1-1 and had the Sheriff at our apartment until 4am. They were so fascinated that they said it was okay, but they wanted to hear the whole story when I got to work!

See ya real soon!

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