Saturday, September 16, 2017

WDWCP: Masquerade, Paper Faces on Parade

Masquerade! Hide your face so the world will never find you....
(Did you sing along? Did you get the reference??)

I never went a prom. I'm pretty ok with that actually because they always look rather lame in movies. Since I didn't get to wear my prom dress in high school (I had dumped my date) I finally got a chance to wear it at our Fall formal held at the then newly opened Coronado Springs Resort. My date even came in a tuxedo!

On November 21, 1997, we had our Masquerade Ball. Around 6pm our apartment became bustling with activity. All of us girls were getting dressed up. I was the low-maintenance one, believe it or not. I basically took a shower and hung out in my tights, shorts and a t-shirt for hours. I painted my own nails and then had to wait for my roomies to finish me off. Danielle did my make up, Marcy did my face. This seriously went on for HOURS!! It was at 10pm that we all left Vista Way and went to the ball!

Not to sound too much like old Rose in Titanic, but I can still smell the fresh paint and new carpet. Coronado Springs had only opened months before, and you could feel it was a place not yet fully broken in by countless guests and drunk convention goers. Walking in the door, the first thing I heard was faint music. They were playing music from the Phantom of the Opera. Perfect! The lobby area by the ballroom was decorated, equipped with masquerade masks and some photo ops with some famous faces you might recognize! Everyone was excited to get dolled up, grab some masks and get those must-have photos before going inside for the rest of our evening. Enjoy some photos now!

The mood for our group was a strange one. We were excited! We loved seeing all of our friends dressed up in our formal attire. But it was also the last night that Marcy would be with us. Sarah had decided the College Program wasn't for her and had already gone home to Louisiana. The following morning Marcy would be on a plane back to Oregon, leaving our status as 4 roomies. So it was just an evening of mixed emotions. I wasn't sad, but that's because I knew I'd be back in Oregon soon enough and hanging with Marcy again. Danielle, on the other hand, well, we had some dramatic tears from her all night long!

Danielle also spent a lot of time with my camera trying to capture "the perfect shot". She was obsessed with Vinny and I and how cute we were together, in her opinion. We did have some nice photos because of that, so thanks, Danielle!

As I recall there was some food and you could get drinks. Being under 21 I clearly wasn't in line for adult beverages. And if you know me, you know I don't really eat around people. So I wasn't about to go over and get food - especially when I could be dancing. And I wouldn't want to spill on my dress.

Let's talk about that dress. As I mentioned earlier, my favorite shoes were purchased at the Import Plaza for less than $5.00. My prom dress came from the same shop, although it did cost a few dollars more. And finally I was getting to wear it. The blond, beyond pale American girl in the imported dress. Yeah, I felt so dumb. I could look around and see our International Cast Members wearing similar dresses ... because they brought them from home and they looked perfectly natural in them. Fashion FAIL! Ignore that my dress was way too big, too. Oy.

At 3am we all had to say good bye to what was really a fun night. I got to see the Pecos Bill crew, which was strange. It would always catch me off guard when I'd see coworkers in their normal attire, versus our every day costumes. Some of us clean up quite well! Back at our apartment, which wasn't until much later, I crashed. I was asleep before I could even say good bye to my roommate. By the time I would wake up I'd have my own room. I'd call that a win!

See ya real soon! °o°

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