Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Tales From the Turntable: Namaste to a BEAM of Light

If you weren't there you probably wouldn't believe it happened.

At Kali River Rapids we have a general rule that if anyone enters the flume when filled with water you hit the E-Stop. I had to do that once when a child fell in actually. But on April 18, 2002 we tossed that rule aside.

It started off innocently enough. It was Beams final day, so she finished it off by going on a ride with guests - a Magical Moment! That was probably more for Beam than the guests, but everyone ended that ride with a smile, as they should!

All of the guests were off the ride. The queue was empty. It was time.

Beam and I
We loaded up into the raft for the final ride through as is customary every single night. But this time it was Beam's final ride, and she was going out in style.

With Pim on the up-ramp
Back in the day we would rapidly switch seats during the ride so we could try to stay as dry as possible. This time, however, Beam certainly didn't care!

When we got back to the turntable we exited our raft and thought all was done. But it wasn't. In she went!

Beam seriously jumped IN THE FLUME!!

Talk about going out in style. In my years at Kali Beam is the ONLY one ever gutsy enough to pull this off!!

And with that it was one final walk away from Asia. She certainly was missed. I worked with so many Cast Members from all over the place, and she was definitely one of my all-time favorites!

ºoº See ya real soon!

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