Friday, October 12, 2018

Status Report: Starting to Raise Funds

It has been a week since I announced the goal of Lady Storm Squad to raise money for Providence Cancer Center, so I thought I'd give an update on how things are going!

First off, thank goodness there are 12 of us working together. Some of these ladies know what they are doing and have a lot of fundraising experience. Hallelujah!! My experience is basically doing car washes in high school when the marching band was going to Disneyland. I always hope my daughter doesn't want to be a Girl Scout because the thought of trying to sell cookies terrifies me. Needless to say, voluntarily joining in on a quest to hit my individual goal of $1,000 is way beyond my comfort zone, but I am determined! We loved running Hood to Coast this year, and everyone seemed excited about the thought of doing it again.... but doing it for a great cause versus just running. The motivation is there, I just need to figure out the execution!

Jessica was awesome and got the ball rolling with a donation right away for me. She gets a special award at the end of all of this! Thank you, Jessica!!

I am fully aware that not all of us want to just give money away and have nothing in return for it. If you do want to donate, it will benefit you come tax time at least! But I have been trying to think of ways that we can all have something to show for it.

The rest of the team lives in the same town, so they are busy planning a Bunco tournament in their city. My hope is that as events happen I will be able to make it to some of them so I can be a team player and spend time with everyone. But on my own I need to come up with ideas, so I sought the help of friends on Facebook!

First up, if you live in my area I will be more than happy to come to your house (or wherever you deem appropriate if you won't want me stalking you through your bedroom windows at night) and collect bottles and cans to take to the donation place. I will not be pocketing any of that money. It will go straight to my fundraising website for Lady Storm Squad/Providence/Hood to Coast. So hit me up anyway you want and I will visit you and save you the work of recycling your cans. Nobody likes those stinky return machines, so I will be more than happy to take one for the team and do your recycling!

Next, and this one I am still working out the logistics and menu so I'll roll out more details soon... thanks to a friend's tip I'm going to host a bake sale! A what?? Yep, a virtual bake sale. And I won't just bake virtual desserts and send you images of them, although that would be kind of fun. I've got a couple of ideas of what will be available, so soon I will be offering up my services to cook you and your family fun things to snack on or have at your holiday gatherings, or desserts to hide in your desk at work for when you need a little pick me up!

With all of these, I will never be keeping any money for myself. I'll track everything on my spreadsheets because that's what I do and I freaking love spreadsheets! And I will update the status of these exciting ventures on the blog and share the progress we are all making together. On my individual fundraising site you'll also see that number grow with me. That will be fun!

Overall Lady Storm Squad has a lot of ideas! We have less than a year to hit our goal, but with the 12 of us brainstorming together, and YOUR help, I know we can do it!

If you'd like to make a tax deductible donation just click here! 

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