Friday, May 25, 2018

Things We Did In College: The Freezer

Freshman Year. Oregon State University. Finley Hall 2nd floor.

We had a refrigerator/microwave combo in all of the rooms. Downstairs a few steps away was the Country Store where we could use our ID cards to buy things. So we'd always go there to buy our staples - bread, cheese, butter, peanut butter, etc... Because we were poor college kids, my roommate and I would get tons of ketchup packets anytime we had the opportunity at fast food restaurants, and we'd load up on napkins. If we could get free plastic knives, forks and spoons we would also take that opportunity.

And what else did we do thinking it was logical and somehow conserving things?

When we would use our knife to fix sandwiches we would wipe it off with a napkins and store it in the freezer. We figured that was somehow keeping it sterile and thus not requiring us to buy dish soap to wash off our one solid utensil.

Nobody died, so I guess that was a success.

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