Friday, August 13, 2010

Milestone #9 - Running Under the Influence

No - I wasn't drinking. But I DID manage to take my new shoes on a short first test run .... all while under the influence of stupid Meniere's and dizziness!!

I couldn't take not running. If I wait to run until I'm not feeling dizzy anymore, well who knows how long that will be. So I just started putting things on, one article at a time. First my way too cute and comfy new running skirt from the Skirt Chaser, then my new airy Nike top I picked up this weekend. It was fabulous to move the Nike sensor to an official location inside of my new shoes - and then slip my feet into those new shoes. LOVE 'em!!

My run wasn't anything all that fantastic. I only did about 1.5 miles, mostly because I was feeling dizzy and really didn't want to risk falling on my face and breaking my teeth 12 hours before I had a scheduled dentist appointment. That and I wanted to be home for Glee. Yeah, about that! I missed the memo that Glee wasn't on this week. So there I am, dripping in sweat with a bottle of water in hand... and NO GLEE??? Ah! Its a travesty is what it is!

But I'm feeling good. I got that first bit of what it is like to run when I'm not seeing all too straight - and I was fine. A couple wobbly moments, but I had no ditch next to me, so there was plenty of room to zig and zag my way through the 'hood.

Tonight I'm happy to say I AM heading out for more!

Ooh, this would be a nice time to insert a photo... say a photo of my brand spanking new shoes while they are still white! (and the socks I'm wearing are the ones I caught when they were thrown out to the crowd at the Skirt Chaser. They were comfy - but a little too warm to wear on a summer run.)

1 comment:

  1. Awesome new shoes! You should post a pic of the skirt too!


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