Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Perfect Timing! ºoº

Today is Day 2 of 1/2 marathon training! (I like to mention it to any and everyone that will listen to me. Heck the cashier at the grocery store thought I was the coolest thing ever and actually started writing down info about C25K so she could start running. She even told me I was "very inspirational" and thanked me for talking to her. Go me!)  Anyway - day 2 and my first run. Of course it had to be raining... but then it is Oregon and therefore I don't even really notice the rain anymore.

But what made today even more exciting? 

Our first official Disney Princess 1/2 Marathon e-mail! Woohoo!! Did you get yours, too?

So enough of this babble, I have to get reading!

I've also spent part of my day daydreaming about this:

I feel like tonight is going to be a great run!!

Who else is going for the 2011 Coast to Coast Challenge??


  1. Congrats on signing up for the Disney Princess half!! Awesome news:) Way to get another person interested it running....go you!

  2. Go you! Don't forget the wind, the rain and the wind in Oregon! I got soaked tonight.

  3. I am totally going for the Coast to Coast challenge!! Exciting... loving your blog!! :D

  4. Yep, I got my e-mail today too!

  5. Ugh! I am still in recovery from the half on the 20th! I haven't run yet.

    Best get to it though

    Happy running


Thanks for reading my little blog, your comments rock my compression socks!! ºoº