Saturday, January 8, 2011

Fueling For Runs.... How??

As I sit here with a migraine, I am starting to think ahead to tomorrow's 6 mile run. This is the first in many new mileage points for me. Thanks to a little discussion with Lesley last night, I'm feeling good about altering my training plan for the half. I'm actually mentally feeling really confident - which might coincide with my leg finally starting to feel almost normal again. With these new distances come new questions. The other night I was running while listening to a podcast (**Note to Lesley: I am weening off of music and getting used to people talking in prep for running with you!) and part of the topic was about fueling before/during runs.

What do you all do? I fully admit that I am terrible about how I fuel for a run. I have looked back at the 3 final races I did in 2010. With each one came either a new PR or an award, and with each of them I shoved down a few of those PowerBar chewable tablet type things. Did they help? Well I don't know. I didn't take any before the midnight run, and I wasn't going crazy with energy. But then I was racing at midnight, so how much energy could I really have? So was it coincidence, or did they help give me the boost they claim that they will?

Okay, so back to my questions.....  
At what point should I be using anything mid-run?
Do you use Gu or anything similar before or during a long run?
Do you bring things with you during a longer race like a half-marathon or just have what they provide on the course?

I feel like I have more questions, but I'm just not sure what they are. I am open to hear anything you all have to offer in regard to this topic - or anything at all!

And out of curiosity, can you drink and run at the same time? I've tried and I SUCK!! I can walk quickly, but so far I have failed at trying to grab a cup and keep running while drinking from it.

Perhaps this is just some last minute panicking, even though we aren't quite at the last minute. I guess I want advice now before it is too late so that if I should try eating/drinking mid-run I could at least practice it before race day gets here.

Coming tomorrow: a photo blog of the creation process of some Princess headband/veil type things
And don't forget about my giveaway ending in just a few days!


  1. Hi! I'm no expert, but here's what I do. I use GU on runs that are 8-10 miles or longer, usually at the half-way point or a little further. During a half-marathon, I carry my own GU. I take it at miles 5 and 8 and carry an extra one just in case I mentally need it towards the end. I don't think it could physically help me at that point, but sometimes, you just need some sugar, you know?

    Once a run is longer than 6 miles or so, I make sure I eat something light before I head out, usually a banana, with peanut butter if I'm hungry. Shorter than 6 miles, I don't worry about it at all.

  2. I would NOT be an expert either, but in a race, you might wait 45 minutes before fueling..then every 30 or 45. I am still experimenting. Most of the time I don't fuel at all in training. I used to race that way too. I take gatorade or a gel and water if it's over 2 hours now.

    There is TONS on this subjuct if you search it on

  3. I have a fuel belt that I run with so that makes drinking easier because it's almost impossible to spill. Also, I carry Gu Chomps with me on my long runs and I pop one after 45 minutes and then one every 30 minutes following. That's just what works for me, I used to use Gu gel and for some reason I got sick at the half and haven't been able to stomach the gel since. I am in love with the chomps though, I have a pack of Cliff shot blocks and shot rocks to try but I keep forgetting to bring them with me on my long runs, I just instinctively grab Chomps. LOL Like Karen, I don't bring fuel with me on anything less than 6 miles but I have been carrying my fuel belt with me on short runs which seems kind of silly on a 3 mile run but I've gotten used to drinking a lot while I run and I'm not digging a handheld right now.

  4. I have always been one of those that uses very little. In Boston I used one GU packet and I had a little squirt every 4-6 miles until the end. Not the way to go really...just what I did. :) I had never even heard of GU or things like that until my first marathon. But in my last half, I took some of those Blocks...gummy things and kept half a pack in my sports bra and just took one to suck on at about 6 miles and then again at 8 or 9. But I do not really know what the experts say. Good luck. And I suck at drinking while running too! Most of it goes all over me...which is fine too since i'm hot. So excited for're going to do great and it will feel so great to have done it!!

  5. I'm no expert either. I think you have to fond what works for you. I bring water on every run. I live in Florida and it is hot a lot here. On runs over an hour is when I think about fuel. I usually take a gel at 45 and then every 30-45 min after. I prefer the taste of gels (I have my dabs) but I prefer the way chomps or cliff bloks can be spread out. I tend to eat 1-2 every 20-30 min on long runs. Its an experiment for what works.

  6. my runs REVOLVE around fueling, i have a picky and sensitive stomach that used to end up in severe GI distress on runs longer than 5 miles. while i still dont have it 100% perfected, this is what i do. i HAVE to eat before i do anything in the am and if its an early am run or race, i eat a couple graham crackers and water within 10-15 min of starting. i used to Gu every 4-5 miles, but after a near barf incident, i cant Gu anymore, i eat 1 fig newton square. while its not quite as convenient or clean, it works pretty well. gu chomps are pretty good too. if i run midday or late afternoon, a PB&J sandwich does the trick with little to no stomach upset. it depends on the race as to whether i carry. i do a lot of trail races and they are not as well stocked so i carry water and food with me, and if im not sure if its a well stocked road race i might carry my stuff with me too. i try not to fuel until im at least 45min-1hr in, your body shouldnt need it. if im feeling weak or hungry before that though i will go ahead and fuel. i cant drink while running, but pretty messy. i do best out of a camelbak. i end up a sticky mess if ive used electrolytes (which i usually only use in the summer)

  7. In my 2 1/2 marathons I took one gu. But what I've been doing now is taking 4 Gu Chomps (the ones with caffeine) every 4 miles on long runs and that's what I did in my marathon. And I drink at least every 2 miles. I also was paying attention to what I ate the 2 days before a long run when I was doing the longer runs. I would eat a higher % of carbs. I am definitely NO expert either! But I thought I would share what I found works for me. So I think for this race I'm going to eat my usual breakfast (oatmeal and egg whites w/ 1 yolk, plus I'll add a Tb. of PB, then I will take 4 chomps 30-45 before race, and then again at miles 4 and 8.

    Every time I read your posts I get excited! :)

  8. I don't eat before or during a run unless it is 10 miles or more. But my daughter always eats before runs. I think you have to find what works for you.

  9. I can one squeeze water gulp while I run, and side-of-the-mouth chew when I run. But I really need that whole in my head for breathing!

  10. I'm one of those people who eats a lot on a run. You just have to play with what you can stomach and how much you need. For a ten-mile run, I'll have a serving of gu or chomps during the first mile and then at about an hour. After that, I go by how empty my belly feels.
    To drink while running in a race- first, pour out half the liquid from the little paper cup. Then fold the top of the cup so that it makes two Vs, one smaller than the other (does that make sense?). Then drink quickly and pray not to spill gatorade all over yourself. I start with the sticky and then drink a water to rinse off. :)

  11. I GU at mile 5 and 10. If you're going to use something chewy, you should practice while running. I cannot chew a chomp while running. Water stops, I usually alternate water and gatorade. Good news - I walk for about 10 seconds while I drink, but hook your finger over the cup and squeeze to make a funnel. For training, I don't fuel unless I'm going 8+.

  12. I only eat if the run is longer than 60 minutes. I am still trying to figure out what works best. I don't like the texture of GU so I eat Stingers which are like fruit snacks (about 3-4 every hour) of course I bring these myself. I alternate between gatorade and water at the water stops, but only a sip.
    It's hard for me to figure out if I'm tired because I've run long or hard, or because I haven't fueled enough. It is definitely different for everyone. Do some experimenting during your training.

  13. When I started training for a half marathon, I bought a water belt. I can drink from my little water belt bottles, but when I try to drink from cups during a race, water either goes up my nose or down my shirt.

  14. Fueling and hydrating is definitely something you want to practice with, to see what your tummy will tolerate. I'm kind of bad about eating before runs, usually I grab a granola bar kind of thing. I take a fuel belt with me on runs longer than five miles, and I fuel on runs ten miles or longer. I can't carry gatorade on long runs, all the sugar (with gels) overwhelms my stomach, but I will take gatorade if they have some at the aid stations. I Gu every 4 to 5 miles, and I carry it with me; that's something you want to figure out before a race in case your stomach rebels. At half and full marathons, I hit every water stop and use it as a walking break since I can't drink from a cup and run either. It does help to kind of smash the cup at the top so that the water can't easily slosh all over you. I also can't Gu and run at the same time; I prefer shot bloks to Gu but tend to choke on them since they take longer to chew and swallow.


  15. I find that GU on long runs upsets my stomach. But I start every race with a shot of either GU or Sports Beans. On anything 10K or over, I carry an Amphipod belt with two waters and one Accelerade bottle attached. I also have chomps or other chewy refuels on the belt. I refuel every 45-60 minutes. Period. That way I am never feeling tired or out of juice.

    I am still adjusting, and sometimes carry a handheld water bottle with a single energy pack for 10K distances - but the belt is proven for me and I likes it!

  16. Totally still trying to figure out the fuel thing too but what worked fabulous for me on Sunday was to Gu every 4 miles. It seemed like a lot for me but it worked. I usually only Gu for anything that's a half marathon or more. On my 10 mile training runs I only Gu'd and fueled to test out how it would react with my stomach. The morning of a race I usually have pb&j on whole wheat bread about 2 hours before the run.


Thanks for reading my little blog, your comments rock my compression socks!! ºoº