Monday, February 21, 2011

Run #40 - The Last Long Run

I had intentions of doing 8, maybe 9 miles. I felt pretty good at the start although I had to stop soon to stretch. I must remember to walk around a lot before the race. When I walk around a lot my legs loosen up and then I run much better. Lately I've just been waking up, having breakfast, sitting on my ass then trying to run. Obviously this wasn't my best plan.

So I was finishing my first loop when I took a detour and got a new view of the river I run across every single week. It was right before I got to this view that my left hip was not feeling the best. Last week during the 11 mile run it kind of had a popping feeling that nearly took me down. I ran though it and finished the miles, but on this run I had to think. While I stared at the river I realized what was important. The race is important. running 3.5 more miles wasn't. Those miles weren't going to get me any more prepared and at worse would be detrimental to my training. 

I felt good about my new decision and continued running until I got to my house. 8 miles turned into 4.5 in 49 minutes. Normally I'd really beat myself up over this and not doing my planned number of miles. But this time I was okay with it. What a relief it is to just be happy with my own decisions!


  1. Good for you for listening to yourself. You are going to rock the ASS off this Disney half.

  2. You are so smart. I will be waiting to see how you do!!! =D

  3. Good decision!
    You are ready!!!!!!!!

  4. ugh..I've been there..and with this two possible injuries..I've learned a lot about listening to my body and prioritizing whats more important.

    see you in Fla!


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