Tuesday, August 28, 2018

HTC18: How Do I Even Put It Into Words?

It is possible there will be 25 posts about Hood to Coast ... or only 4 (one per leg I ran plus this 1). I feel like I have so much to say that I don't even know WHAT or HOW to say it. It probably wouldn't be a surprise if I told you I just sit and start writing and whatever comes out is what is published. I rarely even re-read what I've written before posting it. Isn't that terrible?!? Well for this one I even considered making an outline! Yeah, like I'm back in college and creating an outline for a paper.

Hood to Coast was just THAT incredible! So awesome I'm speechless yet full of words at the same time.

I wasn't supposed to be on this team. During Ragnar in July I was telling the teammates about Hood to Coast and how it is my dream to run it someday but the odds on ever getting to do it were slim. A week later when Sara, our Captain, asked me if I wanted to join the team I freaked the heck out. I was immediately out of my chair jumping up and down and squealing. I'm not even exaggerating. I could barely form words when talking to my mom and husband about it, making sure everybody was on board with watching my baby for me so I could go run. And from that moment on my life has been focused on HTC!!

Tabitha, my teammate from 2017 Ragnar, was supposed to be on this team and got hurt with I think just a couple of weeks to go, so sadly she had to be replaced. I met Sara on that same Ragnar team in 2017, but she was in Van 2 so we didn't get to interact much. Side trivia for you: I was washing my hair in the hotel after the race and heard a knock on the door. I jumped out, and greeted Sara to our room while covered in soap and a little hotel towel. Aww, relay life! So aside from that, I really didn't know anyone on the team yet again. But this group gave me such a good vibe. Before I even met them I just had this feeling that we were all going to get along so well. I don't even know what it was that gave me this feeling, but it was strong... and it was right!! This is THE team that I've been waiting for I guess! I have liked all of my teams, don't get me wrong, but there was just something about this group. Maybe it is because everybody seemed to arrive to the pre-race BBQ in a Jeep?? Ha, maybe not. But maybe!

Thursday afternoon I arrived in Tillamook (whoa, that town... it smells... of cow... manure... a lot.) and met most of the team at our van decorating party and BBQ. I never felt out of place! Hallelujah! I'm pretty shy, believe it or not, in big groups - but when I was one on one with people I felt totally at ease. I realized I am always this way in relays. I think in the van I'm pretty quiet, but once I am out moving around I feel relaxed and can be more free. And heck, let me do some power arches for attractive running males and I might accidentally almost give a few butt slaps here and there.... I didn't slap any of my teammates’ butts that night, FYI.

Eventually our BBQ came to an end and I was heading to another runner's home. And I almost moved in! I've never stayed in a camper/trailer/RV/I-don't-know-the-difference-or-right-word, and for this being a first time it was wonderful! It even smelled new!! Renee and her husband were so gracious and let us stay there so we couldn't be sleeping in our car somewhere along the road. The bed was so comfy. And their shower? Holy canoli, it was magical!! I didn't think Shawn would ever come to bed because he was already forming a bromance with Renee's husband outside while I was busy petting the adorable dogs. For a night before a relay when you notoriously aren't able to sleep, thanks to Renee I slept pretty alright, maybe even 2 hours of legit sleep!

Two hours is "pretty alright"? Well.... when your alarm is set for 1:50am so you can rendezvous with the team, yep, 2 hours is good! Around 2:15am we were all loaded up and heading to Courtney's house for the official rendezvous and game of Tetris where we try to fit all of our stuff in a 7 passenger SUV. It was tough, but we did it! And by 3:01am we were officially on the road to Timberline Lodge and the beautiful reveal of Mount Hood as the sun was starting to rise.

Shortly after this we all became famous... but you can read about that next time!

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