Wednesday, August 29, 2018

HTC18: My 1st Run Down A Mountain

What. A. Run.

I can't count how many runs I've done in my life. But I CAN say this was my most favorite run of them all! I didn't want it to end!

Before we even got to the start line I was officially ready to run. My toes were lubed, compression socks on, some water in my body. Normally I'd get very nervous before a run, but this time I was completely at ease and so excited! We made our way down the hill, cheering on Renee as she tackled the first major decline down Mount Hood. Soon we were at Government Camp for the first exchange. Oh man, it was cold! I grabbed my Chawel (seriously, relay runners, GET THESE!!), wrapped up and set off to wait for Renee to come into view. I was shivering so much! Once we saw her I ditched the blanket, put my headphones in place and jumped into the exchange chute to have our first of 3 hand offs together. How cute is it that we totally matched and didn't even plan it?!? Sole Sisters I tell ya! Normally I'd just get the slap bracelet and take off. But I was so excited to see Renee and how awesome she did that I had to pause, grab her arm, welcome her back and congratulate her! And from there I was off!!

CUTEST start of a run. Oh my gosh. Such a tiny little place with so much character. I was going to just make a mental note of it, but who are we kidding ... I reached into my belt and grabbed my phone. *I only very briefly stopped once per run for an actual stationary photo. I've mastered photos while running. You just aim and click and hope for the best!* Not only did I get photos, I got video! That was an experiment. We'll see how it worked later.

This run was entirely downhill. I LOVE downhill! I just relax my body and mind and fly. It is so much fun. I'm going to declare this my running specialty!

Everyone had me worried about this run. I didn't ever even worry about the second two runs I had to do because they were standard for me. But I have never run 1700+ feel downhill all at once. Your quads are going to kill you. Your shins will hurt. Shin splints! You're going to lose a toenail. All of these things I was told prior to leaving for Hood to Coast. I even did a training run on a hill in town that ended up being steeper than this leg. And you know what DIDN'T happen during Hood to Coast? ... My quads didn't hurt, my shins were fine, no shin splints, all toenails are perfect - even the polish! Seriously, give me downhill all day any day and I'm gonna rock it!

Being early in the race I was running with very minimal people around me. I got passed a few times, but I didn't even care. I was running Hood to Coast! Nothing was going to bring me down. I was doing it! My face had a huge smile plastered on it the entire time. It was a total high. My legs felt awesome, the temperature was perfect for me, the runners and volunteers I encountered were friendly, the adrenaline was running high! As I worked my way down the mountain I saw other teams showing up in their decorated vans on their way up to the start line. What a rush!

It was crazy. I started basically at the height of trees. I got photos looking down over everything. By the time I was nearing the end I was looking up! I don't think I even realized just how much I had traveled. I was always taking in the scenery and making memories, so the distance seriously flew by. I was excited to see the runaway truck exit just because it was something we had noticed during training and I figured that meant stuff was getting steep! As I was running by I then realized WHAT IF??!! WHAT IF a truck is coming and NEEDS that ramp and I'm in the way?? I hauled ass to get by!! And let me tell you, vehicles DO go fast down that hill. I worried a few times that one team van was going to rear end another because of the speed I'd see them travelling at before slamming on their brakes. Fortunately I always felt safe though while I really hugged the far right shoulder as far over as I could get!

I was stunned when I came around a corner and saw the 1 mile to go sign. Stunned... and sad. I didn't want it to end! That was legit my fastest running mile ever in my life, too! Each mile got faster and faster. Before I knew it I was seeing vans parked along the road and volunteers directing runners to turn to the right. Maybe it isn't done. Maybe I get to run more on a side road. Ha, keep dreaming, Ronda. That was the end. I rounded the corner and saw the exchange chute with Dustin waiting for me with her big smile! I handed off, wished her well and then just spent time in complete awe of what I just experienced. I can't even imagine a better way to start off a crazy 199 mile adventure! This was hands down THE run of my life... until next year! ;)

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