Friday, May 29, 2020

WDWCP97 Journal. Day 37.

Date: October 16, 1997. 
Places: Pool 2, Walgreens, Pleasure Island
People: Roommates, David, Kyle, Rio, Luis, Dan, Joe, 2 security guards, a police woman
Sights: Slightly remodeled 8 Trax
Dining: Eggo, ABCs 123s, quesadilla
Lodging: Vista Way
Expenses$4 - Walgreens -food/soap

This entire journal entry happens at night!

What an interesting night! During the day, I did nothing. I did laundry, laid by the pool with Danielle and wrote letters. Kids, back in the olden days we didn't have texting and email. We wrote real letters on paper and put them in things called a mail box! Sarah slept because she was sick, so it was a very quiet day.
Danielle, Marcy and I got dressed up in Danielle's clothes - and went to Pleasure Island. The Dork (Chris from Vista Way) actually came up & talked to Danielle. Whatever! (No recollection of who Chris is, but obviously Danielle named him The Dork. This is very Danielle.) Danielle managed to have another guy follow her around.
This actually was one of the best times I've had at PI. When I was dancing near David I turned around & there was Joe (supervisor). we danced with him & I could tell David was jealous. Dude, I can't believed I danced with our supervisor! Dan came over, so we all danced together. He left a little before Macy & I did, and a ways down our walk to get Danielle at Bongo's we saw Dan again. 
I sat down & talked to him. Unfortunately, he informed me that Sunday I would be in the kitchen with him. After pouting with my head on his shoulder, Marcy & I went home. (Dan and I weren't all that excited about getting out of our saloon attire and into kitchen clothes.) 
Luis was over, but we went to bed. A few minutes later began our horror movie. 
5 phone calls in a row. There were some more and all from our 2 week long obscene caller. Luis almost  spent the night 'cause he was worried, but he didn't. He called us & told us about a suspicious guy outside.

Excuse me, I have to stop writing and laugh. It was seriously scary - but looking back it was also hysterical! We were such a 90s horror movie in a sorority house group of girls!

At 3:30am he was playing basketball. We kept watching him. Sarah slept. Danielle & Marcy went outside to see what he'd do (he majorly watched them), then Dee, Marcy & I followed him. Ooh, we turned the tables on the killer! He walked around Vista & cut through right by my window.
I wish this was staged. It wasn't. Thank you, Sarah, for capturing this moment!
We called his room (right across from us) & asked for Mike (because of our calls). There was a Mike. Once we looked out, saw our guy staring at us, & I called 911. This lady came & was worried about us. She talked to Mike & he wasn't our guy. Turns out our guy is Marvin. They figured this out based on his accent. They went to question him & couldn't find him. When she (a sheriff deputy) left our room we heard, "Marvin!" he ran. Eventually they caught him, but nobody knows what's up. None of us went to bed 'til 6:30am. Can you say sleepy?
Good night  morning?!?

I don't really need to add much. That says it all! The sheriff deputies gave us a pamphlet about harassing phone calls and told us not to follow people around in the dark again, and instead call them.

Next time we meed - Vinny is back, Joe kidnaps me, and Dan and I get sentimental.

~ See ya real soon! º0º ~

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