Wednesday, May 27, 2020

WDWCP97 Journal. Days 31-32.

Date: October 10-11, 1997. 
Places: Pecos Bill Cafe, Mile Long Bar
People: Ricardo, Carlos, Marcy, Sarah, Danielle, Zaira, Brenda, Steve, Josh
Dining: Grilled cheese x3, fries x2, quesadilla
Lodging: Vista Way
Expenses$45 - pictures

Friday was a pretty lonely day for me. The only people I talked to were Dan and Marcy. Carlos, Joe & Ricardo were all gone. I talked to Steve, the GT, a lot. Him, Dan & I were all doing food together. Steve and Dan were breaking out into song all night, and Dan was actually singing the guests orders. I remember we did a lot of singing at Pecos!
I'm running out of 1997 photos - so enjoy this from 2010
In the morning I got stuck on topping bar. I felt so sick from the sauerkraut, cheese sauce and barbecue sauce. Incompetent people were on condiment bar, so I was basically doing condiment and topping. When it was near the end of the night, Joe stopped by and took my picture - who knows why!?!
Saturday I got to talk to Ricardo & Carlos (those were my boys!). I don't remember seeing Joe, but he was supposed to be there. I could tell Carlos was getting jealous because I was talking to Ricardo so much.

This cracks me up. Nobody was actually interested in me, yet I still had this "older" man really caring what was going on with me and my friends.

Oh gosh, I'm laughing at what is coming up...
Counters was a zoo. There were so many people, it was like a day long rush. I was looking at Ricardo's ring and he kind of grabbed my hand for an amount of time longer than a second.When Marcy hear that she got so mad. She just knows I want to have an affair with him - at least that's what she thinks.
Hilarious! He was my friend! Heaven forbid my friends be nice to me. As I told Vinny earlier today, people didn't flirt with me or hit on me like they did with all of my roommates. I was just the kid in our group that was tagging along. Like the young kid sister to everyone in the College Program.
When I got home Danielle and I went out to play soccer. Josh (LSU - Go Tigers!) and his friend Rio came out and joined us. Rio was cute and I felt like an idiot because I'm so bad at soccer. I ended up leaving when we were playing keep-away and I was in the middle. I felt like I was making a total fool out of myself so I was forced to go home. It was fun playing soccer barefoot in the rain, though. 
Here is Pool #2
Marcy and I went to Walgreens and picked up our $45 worth of pictures at Walgreens. They were good - especially the ones from Benji's party. We still have 2 packages of reprints to pick up. I think our room is addicted to pictures a little too much. 

~ See ya real soon! º0º ~

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