Thursday, May 14, 2020

WDWCP97 Journal. Days 1-2.

Remember all those stories of my first Walt Disney World college program in 1997? If not, you can find all of them here! If you did read those, I'm sure you remember Vinny. I mean how could you not? We were freaking adorable! Vinny and I were chatting the other night about that time period. He asked if we did any dining. I couldn't remember anything fancy other than the Hard Rock Cafe, so I consulted my journal for backup. 

Why do I remember things so well?? Because I take photos all the time, blog it here, and back then I wrote everything in my journal. EV-ER-Y-THING. I mean the details I put in were sometimes absolutely ridiculous! I was cracking up all night as I read my stories. So I figured why not bring my journal to you here!

I'm not going to type out each entry. You'd die of boredom or you'd never speak to me again once you see how annoying I am, not that you don't already know that! But I figured it might be fun to revisit that time and see just how dorky I was via some of these entries. Every day is documented, down to who I encountered, where I went, what I ate and what I spent my money on. *Proof that as a WDWCP in 1997 you made NO money. I didn't spend much because I had no money to spend!  So let's just jump into this. Let's start at the beginning, a very good place to start....

* * * *

Date: September 10-11, 1997. 
Places: Portland airport -> Chicago airport -> Orlando.  Publix grocery store, Pleasure Island
People: my new roommates, Marcy, sarah, Danielle, Brenda and Zaira. Plus Sarah's mom, Sally.
Sights: Chicago sky scrapers, Vista Way, Pleasure Island
Dining: McMenamin's in Portland, Cinnabon in Chicago, Wendy's by Vista Way
Lodging: a couple United Airlines planes (we took the red eye), Vista Way - my new home in apartment 3101
Expenses: $4 airplane headset for a movie, $3 for a Cinnabon and Diet Pepsi, $30 application fee at Vista Way, $30 food/supplies, $4 Wendy's

So, we were up since 8:30am on the 10th 'til around 1:45am on the 12th - NO SLEEP! I don't know how I lasted.
This is how my journal begins! This probably summarizes my entire college program experience as well. No sleep! Let's keep going....
Vista Way is beautiful; very green. The grass is thick and not soft like at home. 
Because who doesn't like boring details like the texture of grass?? And did anyone else read that sentence and think "That's what she said!"??
It took about an hour and a half of check in at Vista Way until we made it to our room apartment 3101! We were the 3rd & 4th people to arrive. Our room was a disaster in 2 minutes as we tried to unpack. All 6 of us seemed to click right off the bat. The 4 Americans (I didn't know Puerto Rico was part of us yet. I was 18. This was all new to me.) went shopping and spent a total of $150 on food & cleaning supplies. We went to a meeting at 5pm. We were almost late due to a wrong turn which put us in the Walt Disney World Resort.
**We lived right next to WDW. I mean seriously we could just walk there. And once we crossed that entrance sign I was expecting to see the Castle. Yeah, that didn't happen. Downtown Disney is nowhere near Magic Kingdom! I had no idea.

Ooh, here's where we get so wild.... yeah... uh huh...
An ice cream social started at 6:30pm but we went to Wendy's and tended to my ailing tongue. (Why was my tongue ailing?? Why didn't I write that down?? Was it my braces? Did I burn it in Chicago on my Cinnabon??) Feeling the night was still young, at 9:30 or so we went to Pleasure Island. From the far side of the parking lot you could hear music and the DJ. The sky was filled with lights from the huge "party". We hit an 80s/70s dance club and worked up quite a sweat. We wandered around and came home to go to a party upstairs.
It is worth noting that since we were going to Pleasure Island I expected to get on a boat to get there.  I walked over a tiny bridge. I was a little disappointed.
At about 12:45am Marcy & I decided we were hungry and treated ourselves to a frozen pizza. Its 1:49am and our 6th roommate is still not home. TOTAL - we were invited to 2 parties (didn't go to either) and I only had to call Mommy twice! Time for bed! 

And there you have it. My overly detailed first day with Disney and living at Vista Way!
Tune in next time for a visit to the Walmart Super Store and the Florida Mall. Oooh... Aaahh...

~ See ya real soon! º0º ~

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