Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Progress Report #2

I'm back in the game!

I had a minor ankle pain at the start of week 4, so I was slow to get going on this next round of training. After keeping my ankle wrapped all day yesterday, I was able to start week four. Oh boy, is week 4 a doozie! This was 16 minutes total of running - thankfully not a solid 16 minutes in a row just yet.  I did better than I thought. Throughout the run I had a roller coaster of thoughts - initially thinking there was no way I was going to be able to complete a single segment, to thinking I was going to kick ass and be more than ready for week 5. Ha! By the end of the last bit of running I was sure I was going to collapse or pass out. But I did it! I got through everything, and so far I haven't cheated even one single time!
Last night I also had my fastest minute/mile and my longest distance. I am glad my running website told me that. I needed that extra little boost to show myself that I am making progress and will be a runner someday sooner than later!
My running plan is all mapped out on a calendar for every run between now and my first race in December. I have no room for error, injury, or weenie moments .... so I will continue to go gung ho at it! I bought a new long-sleeve running top this week and it actually did a good job of keeping me warm. Last night was also the first time I had to bring out something to keep my ears warm. It sure doesn't take long to warm up when you're running anyway, so hopefully cool evenings and I will continue to get along!

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