Monday, June 8, 2009

15 Minute Babble: 100th Entry!

Wow! In just a few short months I've done a lot of writing. Weekly American Idol blogs; weekend recaps; plans for the future; babble about what I see happening around me at work. I guess I just have a lot of "nothing" to say!

Today I'd like to say this: GO SEE THE HANGOVER!! I went to see it on opening night and it was worth the wait! We've been seeing tons of previews all through the Stanley Cup playoffs and were positive it would be a laugh riot. It really was! I haven't laughed so hard during a movie since we saw Weekend at Bernie's at the theater back in grade school. I think I nearly snorted even. Once it was over we wanted to turn around and watch it again. When you go, because you WILL, watch the credits! Best credits ever! We spent all weekend quoting the movie and laughing about our favorite scenes. I'm laughing right now just thinking about it!

My baby cousin is now old. I just watched him graduate from high school yesterday afternoon. My mom got teary when we saw him come walking onto the football field with Pomp & Circumstance playing. How I wish we had texting back when I graduated 13 years ago. Alex and I kept busy texting each other during the boring parts while he was "roasting" in his dress clothes and black gown. There were technical issues that caused at 20 minute delay mid-way through the diploma bit. This, coupled with my desire to NOT suffer through another painfully awkward and boring speech by the principal, caused us to bail a little early .... but not before getting tons of photos of Alex sweating his graduate ass off!

We had an impromptu karaoke party last night at my mom's house after our post-graduation BBQ. When I say party I mean my mom, Michael and I singing for Grandpa, his girlfriend and Jim. I did a show stopping performance of My Heart Will Go On. My step-dad thought I sucked. I was awesome. This just shows whiskey and wine create a terrible critic! Michael was hysterical! I don't even know how to describe a couple of his performances. He had the entire room laughing! We quit at 9:45 pm only 'cause we had to work in the morning, otherwise we'd probably still be hanging out and singing!

Vegas is officially on like Donkey Kong! I booked our 3-day weekend trip on Friday. Michael and I will be in Vegas for nearly 3 full days - July 18-20. We're staying at Excalibur and have no plans to see any shows or to even make plans! We just want to go, relax, have fun, see what we can see, drink what we can drink, eat what we can eat, and try to not waste too much precious time sleeping! This will be Michael's first visit, so I'm extra excited to be there while he gets to see all the lights and razzle dazzle of The Strip!

Michael and I have been busy painting my house. We are so close to being done. We've run out of free weekends to do the painting, so now its going to be my after work project. Once its done I'll upload some before, during and after pics. Thank heaven for 7-11, or rather, thank goodness for backyard swimming pools! I HAD to buy one because I just knew it was going to be pretty hot during our painting. I was right. The pool is freaking awesome and the house is looking Great!

And that's all for now -- blog #100 is coming to an end. Here's to 100 more!

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