Monday, June 1, 2020

WDWCP97 Journal. Days 51-53.

Date: October 31-November 2, 1997 
Places: Pecos Bill Cafe, Pool 1
People: Vinny, Dan, Brian, Joe x2, Marcy, Holli, Kim, Germane, Ricardo
SightsPumpkin on Magic Kingdom sign
Dining: Grilled cheese/fries, Spaghetti Os, McDonald's
Lodging: Vista Way
Expenses$7.86 - pictures/chips @ Walgreens

Happy Halloween! I had to work, but so did Vinny. I trained him on trays before my break. Dan and I had lunch together & Pecos was closing when we got back. I wiped windows with Asif and then helped Vinny with Pots/Trays. During lunch Dan & I discussed me & Vinny. Dan and Vinny talked & Vinny said he likes me &  wants a relationship. WOW!

Please, if you take a drink every time I write "Vinny" -- no drinking and driving!

Joe was going to let me go home early so I could go to Terror on Church Street, but I chose Vinny over Marcy & Danielle. We had no trays to wash so we listened to the radio and talked. Pots and trays was awesome. So many hijinks happened back there! I even stood around and talked to Germane and Brian. Vinny & I had our goodnight kiss & Custodial Carlos opened the door just after - embarrassing!
Holli - fellow Oregonian
Saturday was kind of sad - I only talked to Vinny for a couple minutes. Holli & I were on trays together. Vinny was doing custodial on streets, so we couldn't talk. Joe and I are no longer friends now I guess. he says since I never call him to out then, then we're not friends. Oh well. He doesn't understand how Ronda & Vinny are different from Ronda & Joe. Big difference. Huge.  HUGE!!!
Sunday I worked for Kim on counter (that's how the whole Joe thing came about). Man, I hate counter now. Kitchen is hard work, but no guests. It was Marcy's first day at Pirate's (the restaurant, not the attraction). She kept complaining about looking fat - which she didn't. I got to train a girl on condiment bar, then, as I was having fun talking to Vinny during topping bar I moved (stupidly) to counter. Hectic! I should have never done that. Vinny gave Marcy and I a ride home. We stopped at Goodings & McDonald's. I've hardly had that at all since I've been here. OK - can't think of anything else.

Uneventful for sure. They can't all be winners! And sorry for the alcohol poisoning you were sure to get in today's VINNY drinking game.

Next time.... it's my birthday!!

 ~ See ya real soon! º0º ~

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