Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Winter Closet Cleaning

Its that time of year again. No, not time to re-cap the things that happened during the year, but rather time to flush out the negative energy and focus on the positives!

I've been feeling lately that some things have been left lingering in my life, and not because I want them to linger around, but because I feel obligated. But then I realized today I have absolutely NO obligation to keep things around. Just because some people may enjoy these "things" (?) doesn't mean that I need to. I do and say things to be polite because I am a polite person, but then I roll my eyes at myself for not being as genuine as I'd like to be. Should we really bother to keep "things" around if they don't bring feelings of joy, happiness, friendship, positivity? We only live one time (until we are reincarnated and/or floating on a fluffy little cloud in heaven finally reunited with our dear pets!). Why let any minute be ruined by something that you could easily just cut out?  I feel like I need an example since I am politely trying to tip-toe around what I am setting out for recycling.  ......

Addictions - those are things we keep around, but really by definition of the word, they are negative. Drug addiction? Bad. Food addiction? Bad. Chap stick addiction? Bad. Shopping addiction? (Oh it feels so good...) Bad.  What else? Toxic Friends. Toxic friends are bad. I once wrote an entire blog (which was never posted) all about toxic friendships. I learned I am a magnet for toxic friendships, mostly because I hate confrontation, and the wrong people end up feeding off of that and taking advantage of the me and the unhealthy friendship. A person very close to me is the same way. He felt obligated to remain friends with this complete disaster just because they'd known each other since grade school.* Well someone probably knew Charles Manson since grade school .... doesn't mean you want to stay friends with him!

At some point you have to just let some things go, especially if "cutting your losses" may end up saving something that is much more important to you. It might be difficult or awkward, met with protest or social scorning. Who cares?!? Would you rather have people without your best interests in mind upset with you over your choice to improve your life? Or would you rather weed out the unfavorable things and feel overall happier? I choose happy!  Besides, I know that those that really matter and those that genuinely care about my well-being will be fully supportive of my latest round of "cleaning out the closet". Hell, some of them may actually feeling so pleased they'll be throwing a party to celebrate!  ;-)

So now I will try to move forward with my negativity purge. I've done this in the past when it was really needed, and I have been so much happier and felt so free as a result. I see obstacles ahead, but will cross my fingers that support will come from the right directions. Because I am an optimistic person, I think it will all be okay!

*That disaster was (rather dramatically) removed from his social circle, and those around the polite, obligated feeling friend are sooooo thankful to be rid of the negative energy!!

**Now you've finished reading this and are thinking "Oh my gosh, is she talking about me??" No, I'm not. If you are reading this, you're 99.99% safe from tonight's tribal council elimination. And no, little Michael isn't getting kicked to the curb, so get that thought out of your head as well!

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