Sunday, November 29, 2009

Random Story From the Asia Breakroom

The year was 2002.  The month was .... some time between January and August.

I was working at Kali River Rapids.

It was time for my break.

I went into the tiny Asia break room to enjoy my few minutes of freedom. I was grabbing my purse, and standing in front of the vending machines. My back was to the machines, my purse in front of me on the table.

Suddenly I felt something land on my head. Before I could assess the situation, the mystery object was RUNNING DOWN MY LEFT ARM!!

It was a cockroach! A cockroach ON MY SKIN!

It ran down my arm ..... right into my open purse.
Of course my purse that day was black, so I couldn't exactly SEE the stupid bug.

All of us in the immediate area started flipping out, and I'm sure some people just sat back and laughed.

Kevin was my savior.  He manned up and took my purse outside. I followed behind, not that I knew how I would help.  Before I could say "be nice" (to my things, not the bug), he dumped my entire purse contents on the ground. I flew in the air and squirmed around with major koodies as I watched this stupid black cockroach go scurrying away.

I didn't want to even touch my purse or any of its contents after that.  Now that I think about it .... I don't use that one anymore. I should donate it to Goodwill. I won't tell them about the bug incident of 2002!

Kevin - is in the pink shirt - in the Asia break room. THANK YOU, KEVIN!!!

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