Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Seven Reasons Why I am Stylish

Wow, I really seriously do feel so honored!  Amanda at Runninghood (seriously, if you aren't reading her you are missing out!) has bestowed upon me the "Stylish" award. Is it because I have a drawer overflowing with fabulous knee socks? Is it because I haven't bought any non-running clothes in ages and she is subtly hinting to me that it is time!  I don't care - because she thought of me and passed along the award. Woohoo! Thank you very much, Amanda!

(Now technically I am supposed to pass this along to 10 more bloggers, but I feel like I just went on 3 separate tagging sprees, so I might not tag so that you guys don't feel harassed by that strange FruitFly girl!)

But I WILL share 7 things about me! 

ONE:  Like the "FruitFly" name implies, I am a total faghag. I'm pretty much a walking rainbow at times, and a firm believer in gay rights. Family, friends, I'm surrounded by the rainbow loving community! I am very used to being the token straight girl hanging out in a sea of people that aren't even looking twice at me. It actually is kind of refreshing to be able to go out dancing with your friends and know that not one single guy is going to come up to you with a lame pick up line. Of course, this in turn also helps to explain why I am always the token single girl! But that's totally okay. I love being single, I'm great at it - and certainly not the least bit lonely. SO, if you're ever in Vegas and I'm in Vegas (Lucy, I'm talking to you!) .... we are totally hitting up Freezone together and watching my "boyfriend" (Daniel, on the left) and his real boyfriend (Alex, on the right - LOVE him!!) steal the show as they star in the Queens of Las Vegas .... longest running drag show on The Strip!

To continue on those lines, we hit number TWO:  I seem to be amazing at making really great friends after first meeting them on-line.  Case in point, Mike. He's pretty much my very best friend. We became friends because we are both Disney fans. Casual Disney talk turned into gay talk which turned into "we HAVE to hang out" talk which turned into "I'm coming to visit!" talk.  After "meeting" online in 2006, we met for real when he picked me up at the airport in Phoenix for my 29th birthday weekend, in 2007. Since that time I've been back to visit again, we've had a 10 day Disney World vacation together, we've met up in Vegas for an awesome whirlwind weekend, and next ..... hopefully, he'll come to cheer me on in the Disneyland Half Marathon this year! He's not the only internet friend to become a real life bestie, but I can't continue on this number forever! I just adore him. I am the yin to his yang. We even have matching tattoos that are a yin/yang to each other. It is kind of crazy - I mean we had them YEARS before meeting, and were almost in disbelief when we saw how they matched almost exactly to the same size and everything!

Number THREE: I have wanted to blog about this for sooooo long, but haven't figured out how. So maybe if I cover it here briefly then it will get out of my system. I don't generally get too serious or deep on this blog, but trust me, it is in there, I just wait for the moment to strike. Anyway, third thing about me... I have MAJOR food issues. I avoid eating with people, especially "new" people, as much as I can. I can't do potlucks. I hate buffets. At a party I prefer to help the hostess, if she needs it, by restocking food, cleaning, helping with drinks. But I won't eat. I was pretty much told I was fat from the age of two. I remember being told "you are fatter here (pointing to my tummy) than you are here (pointing to what would be boobies in way more than a decade)." I was in the second grade. So basically I have 30 years of issues built up in me. You'd think I'd be a lot skinnier than I am! Damn French fries.  Dang - what kind of picture follows that?? Let's check the vault of OLD Ronda pictures!

Of course I had to pick chubby girl with the cake that has a pig on it!

FORE!:  Here's one I NEVER speak of. I mean I have friends that didn't even know. It makes me want to vomit - which I can almost do on command, actually!  Once upon a time, in a non-fairy tale type way, I .... ugh, brace yourselves.... was married. Eek. There. It is out there. Sad, but true. It was so lame. Blah. I couldn't even stand him. In all honesty, I think he might like dudes - which is probably why we initially got along in the first place. He, of course, remarried 7 months after I got the divorce, and now has a child. We have nothing to do with each other at all. I prefer it this way. I can share a picture though!

I was a total poof! My dress was HUGE. And a bug kind of flew down ... my mom was on retrieval!

It's a-FIVE!:  (Did anyone else have that "You Don't Know Jack" game? At #5 they always said, "It's... it's ... It's a-five!)  Anyway, yeah. We have all talked about resolutions kept and broken, new goals for the year, and goals we had last year. Well I am a freak of nature! Having food/body image issues, it should be surprising that I never ate much candy as a child. In 9th grade I decided to set a New Years resolution to have NO candy and NO chocolate. Not even chocolate ice cream or cake. Nothing!  This is so fun to say, and I am being 100% honest .... I haven't had a drop of candy or chocolate in 17 years. SEVENTEEN!! I am aiming for 20 now. I figure we'll all know when I'm finally pregnant because I'll want a hamburger and some chocolate!

Butterbeer does NOT count as candy. Phew!

I loved 199SIX: I really miss the 90's. I miss the flannel. I miss the plaid. I miss the paisley. I miss wearing the flannel, plaid and paisley all at the same time. And clunky shoes. And floppy hats. And genuine story lines on the Real World. Remember Pedro?? That was REAL. It was sad, but it was REAL. I miss angry girl music like Alanis and Fiona. It seems like it was all angsty ...and I loved it! My So-Called Life seriously was MY life. I couldn't have been more Angela Chase if I tried, yet I always wanted to be Ray-Anne. And naturally I loved Ricky!  I just really loved the 90's. I'm part of the class of 1996. My college years were in the 90's. I miss college, too. And I really miss the GREAT music like Runaway Train. Seriously, I can't get enough of it! I'm ready for the 90's to have their revival!
See - even my senior picture had plaid flannel and a hoodie!! -->

And finally, number SEVEN:  This probably isn't a shock, but since I haven't addressed anything running related, I figure I could sneak this one in!  I am mildly obsessed with Steve Prefontaine. Maybe it is because he was an Oregonian. Maybe it is because he grew up right where my grandpa and his family did. Maybe it is because he is the freaking raddest runner on Earth!  I wouldn't say I'm a stalker since technically can you stalk someone that isn't alive anymore?  :(  It is possible that I've been by his mom's home not once, not twice, but three times. It is also possible that I've been to his rock where he sadly died on so many occasions that I've actually lost count.  And it is probably possible that I've been to his grave a couple of times and did some cleaning to keep the flowers looking nice.  In my defense, I passed his house so many times because the race route goes right by it (so that counts for one of those trips.) And also in my defense, my grandpa's mom and cousin are buried at the same cemetery as Pre, so I was actually looking for family, too. *Here's a side tid-bit:  the uncle of a friend of mine has the grave right next to Pre!  Basically he is the reason I've fallen in love with running. My uncle encountered him during their school days and of course didn't like Pre - thought he was too cocky. Well, you see, I love that! He didn't just talk the talk, he walked (ran?) the walk. He seemed to not only have the physical strength, but the mental strength, too!  I'll never be a fraction of the runner he was, but I can always keep trying my best!  Before every run I have a pep talk with Pre. It helps me. I'm pretty sure if he were still alive we'd be total besties. Yep, I know it! ;)

WAY more than you ever wanted to know, right??

Go ahead - share 7 things about yourself now! Or just one. Whatever - Share SOMETHING as a comment so I won't feel like such a nut case! ;-)


  1. 1)You still looked great on your wedding day even if he turned out to be a douchelord.

    2)I thought I had the world's worst senior pic...perhaps I was wrong?? LOL just kiddin'!

    Something about me....I quote Kindergarten Cop. Religiously.

  2. I know!! I hate my senior pictures! I had braces and didn't want to smile. And I had just chopped off all of my hair. And I was rebellious and not wanting to be all posed like a glamor shot. The poster sized version on my mom's wall looks better though! ;)

    Kindergarten Cop --- Oregon movie!!

  3. I love it, but no chocolate for 17 years? That's crazy!!! Maybe someday I will try to go a week in your honor. :)

  4. Ronda, this is so wonderful! I loved reading. I read it all...every word and looked at every picture! Thank you for being so honest and real. thank you for talking about your issue with food and weight...this is so good to hear for so many of us who don't get it! I love Alanis. Um, I'm a 1997 girl so we are close in age. You are gorgeous! What else? um , too bad about that jerk of a husband that you didn't like but just another learning lesson of life right?! You're amazing! And Stylish! The most stylish. Without a doubt!

  5. Thanks, Amanda! I think your just the coolest, too!

    Definitely have to meet up at Hippie Chick! (You ARE doing that one, right??)

    @Allie --- don't you fret on the chocolate, you can just eat some on my behalf! ;)

  6. I love, love, loved Miss Piggy growing up. I had her sheets and her calendar every year.
    So fun to get to know you better, and your wedding dress was beautiful.
    Oh, no chocolate! 17 years! Nooooooo!

  7. That print on the cake was taken from my bed sheets!! AND I still have them. I can't part with Miss Piggy!!

  8. Way to lay it out there, my brave girl.
    I enjoyed the trip down memory lane. I graduated high school in Portland and dug the grungy flannel action too. Miss Piggy cake is priceless and I think your Pre worship is cool.

  9. What a great list! And I feel you on the knee socks. I started off this year doing a different pair every day. I'm pretty sure my collection will take me through March at least.

  10. I freakin LOVE this list! And if there eas ever anyone I would want to party with in Vegas - it would be you!

    Maybe next year we can meet up at the Vegas RnR Half!!!

    Stylish isn't just socks and running skirts - it is a personality and baby - you got it in spades!

    Congrats on your award and happy running!!!

  11. Thanks! :-)

    Psst... Brooke ... do the Vegas RNR this year!! That's my next trip to Vegas - and a perfect way to finish what I hope will be a completely awesome year of running!

  12. OMGosh! You are beautiful!! Curse whoever put those blasted ideas in your head!!!!

    Loved your list..!I was surprised about the marriage, but then I shouldn't be since what I just said above. =D

    I am on this assignment, but will have to do it on my own blog since I got tagged elsewhere.

  13. Cute picture with Ms. PIggy there!
    I'm fat. That's what my family tells me (immediate and not-so-immediate). Never mind that I can outrun them. Never mind that I don't faint because I didn't eat enough. My arms aren't twiggy and I am fat.

    And I'm shy in real life. :) I like to sit back and listen to people as I slowly warm up to them. BUt once I hit it with someone, they are friends for life. :)

  14. WOW!! I loved reading this!!

    and I forgot about You Don't Know Jack until you mentioned it, LOVED that game.


Thanks for reading my little blog, your comments rock my compression socks!! ºoº