Tuesday, July 19, 2011

My New Invention

I wonder if I should NOT post it because what if it catches on and I could have been rich?

Schnapps. Peppermint Schnapps.

I want to have this put INTO my gum. Then, while we are all at work, if you are in a place like I am where you are feeling absolutely miserable at times because of your co-workers, you can chew on this fabulous gum! Imagine just a burst of peppermint schnapps to "loosen" you up. It might make the work day more tolerable! (Heck, I'd buy my own invention in bulk and go through packs of it at a time some days!)

You could probably even do it with a cinnamon flavor. Like a cross between Big Red gum and Aftershock. Right? Isn't that what that stuff we drank in college was called?

These are just my current thoughts. Let me tell you, Disneyland can't get here fast enough. I am in dire need of a vacation. I won't want to come back. Rose, I'm moving in. I'll walk the dog in the morning so you can sleep.


  1. I think this is a great idea. Do you remember the gum that had juice in it? You could just get with those guys and have them work on it. I had that once or twice...it would have been better with liquor in it though! If you ate chocolate we could get the liquor filled chocolates for you. You could get away with those at work...and they taste great when frozen!

  2. I'll make mine into chewy lime candies that have tequila in the middle. Like Margaritas.

  3. Megan - I think that they actually make suckers with Tequila in them...or at least ones that taste like Tequila.

  4. Oooh, Biker Boy commented...is this THE biker boy?? ;) I think this sounds great...the juice in the gum...I remember this kind. :)

  5. We have a spare room! It's yours every day that you keep that dog from waking me up!

  6. AnonymousJuly 19, 2011

    I could have used a piece today! You've got a customer here!

  7. I'd be onboard with this. Could have used it today actually!


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