Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Run #5.7 - Speedy Legs!

I didn't want to run. I mean I did, but I didn't. I was feeling lazy. I posted a "Lost Motivation" ad as my facebook status, and fortunately Running Potato and Lesley were there to give me the swift kick to the butt I needed. After dancing around for a while to wake myself up, I was out the door for four miles, with 2 of them being in the dark (ah, just like the good ol' days of Winter!).

I didn't mean to do it, but I just started going fast. What was supposed to be a leisurely four miles turned into an unintentional speed workout. I just went with it. I mean why fight it, right? I'd run hard until I couldn't do it anymore, pause to just catch my breath and shake out my legs, then resume. My legs were feeling rather tight. Just over 2 miles in I did have to sit on the sidewalk and massage them a bit so they wouldn't feel so dang stiff. That worked wonders!

Also helpful was my music for the evening. I created another playlist to run to with "new" songs. Some are brand new, some are new to me, some are old but haven't been used for running yet. I found peace in just focusing on the words of the songs. I had a pretty good mix!

Fortunately the terribly humidity wasn't AS bad when I left to run as it was during the day. I was even lucky enough to get a couple of rain drops on me during the last mile. That was a blessing because I was pretty darn hot! In the end it was 4 miles in 40 minutes of running (plus the time I was on the sidewalk stretching). Pretty darn fast for me, if I do say so myself! Overall I felt really good, which is a relief since I've been kind of nervous about this weekend's half marathon. Can you believe I'm already on number 5? I mean wasn't it just a couple of weeks ago that we were counting down to the Princess Half?

Here's one of the songs from the night that ALWAYS strikes a chord with me!


  1. i find that music tremendously helps in running. Have you ever heard of "girl talk"? Its a guy who does mashups of 20-30 songs to make UPBEAT music- GREAT for running, even better that there are a TON of his songs. seriously I don't know how I ran without him before.

  2. at least you got out there, and that IS fast. I have no motivation in this heat. At all.

  3. That is fast and awesome!!!

    Running in the heat is hard, so I'm glad you went.

  4. AnonymousJuly 19, 2011

    Awesome! Glad you found your motivation and got out there!

  5. You are speedy!! Good for you for getting out there!

  6. Dig it! thanks for the new song tip.


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