Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Leg's Visit to the Doctor

This afternoon my leg went to the doctor. It wasn't even scared! In fact, I think my leg felt a sick sort of enjoyment out of the experience. Pain? Ha! My leg can take it. When the needle would go in it was just a little prick.... and then once it got into the muscle. Ay carumba! Ooh, good but painful. Loved it!!

That harmless looking needle and bottle of whatever it is became very intimate with my leg. It isn't Cortisone, but something "better" he says. I remember that it starts with an M and that's about it.

My leg is at a funky, twisted angle for this shot. The blue arrow points to the mark I made this morning with a Sharpie when I was trying to find "the spot". Turns out I had many locations of "the spot". The black arrows point to injection points. I had 8 total, but couldn't see the rest in this photo very well. Please ignore the rash from the compression band I wear above my knee.

So now I'm feeling ready for Seattle. We'll see if this helps or not. Next time he doesn't want me to wait over a month before coming in. *I can pinpoint the moment on May 8th when I first nearly collapsed in pain. It was around mile 4.2 of the Hippie Chick Quarter Marathon.*

Now I'm kind of all tingly in places. I'm going to go with the optimistic attitude that it WILL help! I'll let ya know!


  1. good luck! fingers crossed it helps

  2. Good luck, Pincushion! I mean, LFF!!

  3. Good luck this weekend! I hope the injections help!

  4. Oh boy! That looks like it hurts! Good luck to you! Sending you all kinds of positive vibes!

  5. I hope your race went well, can't wait to hear about it!

  6. Girl... That looks bad a$$!


Thanks for reading my little blog, your comments rock my compression socks!! ºoº