Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Just Call Me Pouty McPouterson

In 2003 I was hit with these crazy bouts of dizziness. I first noticed it when working at Kali River Rapids. Imagine being unsteady on your feet while spending all day on a moving turntable with water surrounding you! I managed to deal with it and was quickly in a new role where I was lucky enough to sit in an air conditioned office. The dizziness didn't stop. It got worse. I finally realized I HAD to go to a doctor when I couldn't hear anything, my ear were in massive amounts of pain, and I actually had to prop my head up and hold myself steady.  For the next year I would be at a different doctor's office basically every other week. Neurologist, Ear/Nose/Throat, General family doctor.... hearing tests, blood tests, CT scans, MRIs, electrodes placed all over my face for two hours worth of testing. You name it, I feel like I did it.  

Before I had an official diagnosis, it was time for me to move back home to Oregon. I was done pursuing my Florida dream, and really missed family and the Pacific Northwest.  I did see my doctor at home, but still have been procrastinating on letting any further testing resume. Basically every doctor I saw suspected that I have Meniere's Disease. From everything I've read about it, I would have to agree. And let me tell you IT SUCKS!! 

For me, it has been dormant for the fast few months, until July came. I have been having issues with it off and on for the last month, with this week being the worst its been in probably a year. What I experience is pain in my ears and sometimes ringing - or hearing loss - a few days before a major dizzy spells hits. When I get dizzy I can't really walk without grabbing on to things. Speaking gets very difficult. I find myself stuttering and notice that I am searching for words. Its like my mind and mouth won't cooperate. Today I felt like I was on some violent carnival ride (which normally I would love!).  In the past I've described it as being tipsy or slightly drunk, except not fun.

So I just deal with it. I very rarely miss work - but this week I did miss half of a day. Fortunately I sit down, so I can prop myself up and keep quiet in my corner without having any fuss or bothering people. So then, Why Pouty McPouterson??


I bought those new shoes on Saturday, and they still haven't been properly tested. It is killing me. I feel like the longer I go without running the crankier I get. I feel like a total slob right now. All I can do easily is sleep. That's not really going to help me get ready for the Prefontaine Memorial 10K that is now just over a month away!!  So I will just sit here home alone, watching random Bravo shows on TV. Maybe I will just sit here wearing my shoes and my new running skirt and just pretend I was out there running hills. 

Tomorrow. The sun will come out tomorrow, bet your bottom dollar that tomorrow .... I WILL RUN!!!


  1. Feel better :) But in the meantime...Bravo TV is the best! Where else can you go and watch a housewife flip a table?!

  2. My daughter has seizures, so I understand how a diagnosis can really interfere with your life. I think you should take pride in the fact that you are still trying and getting out there when you can. How awesome is that. You have a diagnosis, but it doesn't have you!

    People that run with an extra handicap (strollers, getting over cancer, migraines, missing body parts ect) are so motivating to me. If they can do it, there is no reason I cannot. and one final comment, keep that great attitude!


Thanks for reading my little blog, your comments rock my compression socks!! ºoº