Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Who Needs Spin Class??

I've heard of people going to spin class. I've decided that since in my head I am constantly spinning, I don't need to take up this other hobby. But hopefully there is a bit of a resolution in sight.

Yesterday morning was unbearable. The whole Meniere's Disease thing just got to a point where I couldn't take it anymore. I gave in and called the doctor.  So now I have a daily medication to take every morning to try to help prevent some of the symptoms. For the times when I DO have dizziness that is too much to handle, I have a prescription for that.  As I type this I am under the influence of both. Still swaying in my desk. At least I think I am. I can't really tell for sure. I'm curious if I will start to get drowsy. We lowered the strength of the pill for when I'm already dizzy. Before it would 'cause me to sleep for almost an entire day. But with my goal to run well in my upcoming races, sleeping all day isn't an option for me.

I'm hoping this medicine will kick in and maybe I can go try to run at least a couple of miles tonight. I almost feel like I'm learning to run all over again since it feels totally foreign to run when dizzy.  One concern I have is that I'm supposed to avoid the sun with this new daily medication. Guess I'll be loading up on the sunscreen and I'll have to be sure to bring it along to Florida in October, too!

Even though I'm feeling a little stressed, tired, woozy, nauseated, confused, yada yada yada, I am still optimistic. I am determined to not let this interfere too much with my daily activities. And I feel like I'm in good company. Did you know Alan Shepard, Marilyn Monroe and Kristin Chenoweth all have/had Meniere's Disease?? Now you do!

Another side effect? My lack of ability or time to stay caught up on all of my favorite blogs. I now have 107 waiting for me. I must get to reading!


  1. I hope the medicine works for you! Be careful running dizzy!

  2. I hope the medicine works for you!


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